Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Bomb Attacks Northern Ireland 14/9/2011

Properties at Learmount Road and Ervey Road in Claudy are at the centre of the operations - with a device having gone off in the early hours of Wednesday at the Ervey Road location.
The explosion caused damage to the front door of a house, but no one was inside at the time.
Police say three men, two aged 36 and one aged 28, have been arrested in the Derry area.

Meanwhile, the bomb squad remains at the second scene, examining a suspicious object found in the Learmount Road area.
No details of that device have yet been released.
SDLP Claudy councillor and Foyle District Policing Partnership Chairman Thomas Conway says he believes security personnel have been targeted, and that dissidents are responsible.
"I believe that the homes targeted have connections to the PSNI and that is concerning," he said.
"Up until now the dissidents have only targeted within the confines of Derry City and this is the first instance where they have moved to rural areas. Whilst an attack on anyone's home is despicable, rural areas and homes are much more isolated and are softer targets.
"It's also worrying as those responsible have obviously acquired a degree of intelligence about the homes and movements of their targets.
"As it's still unconfirmed what other devices there may be, I appeal to anyone in the area to be vigilant when out and about and not to pick up any suspicious objects.
"These were deplorable actions. There is a real sense of anger in this community. I condemn these without question and urge anybody with information to pass it to the PSNI," he added.
More details of the security operations will be released later on Wednesday.

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