Monday, December 31, 2012

martin mcguinness MP, sinn fein, stormont, president of ireland, serial killer, deputy first minister, northern ireland assembly

martin mcguinness MP, sinn fein, stormont, president of ireland, serial killer, deputy first minister, northern ireland assembly

MI6 Agent Martin McGuinness has resigned his position as British MP due to complaints about double-jobing, McGuinness went fly fishing with MI6 Agent Micheal Oakley (The Mountain Climber) while the SAS were executing IRA activists in East Tyrone in the 1980s. McGuinness is now to focus on proping up the British presence in Ireland through Stormont and will run for President of Ireland in 6 years time, health permitting.

Northern Ireland’s Deputy First Minister Martin McGuinness has formally resigned as Sinn Féin MP for Mid-Ulster.

Mr McGuinness said the move was “in line with [his] party’s commitment to end double jobbing”, but that he had “no intention of leaving Mid-Ulster”.

“I will always be grateful to the people of this area for trusting me to represent them and their interests,” he said.

“I will of course continue to represent the Mid-Ulster Constituency in the Assembly. I am honoured to do so both as an MLA and as deputy First Minister in equal partnership with Peter Robinson.”

“I can assure them and everyone else that my party, our fivemMinisters, our MPs, our 29 MLAs, our MEP and our huge number of councillors will continue the journey we have embarked upon.

“As the political landscape in the north continues to change, as it surely will, we remain committed to the goals of Irish republicanism and to serving the interests of all sections of society.

“I firmly believe that we can make further progress. This will require positive leadership from all parties. Sinn Féin remains firmly committed to playing a constructive role in the period ahead.”

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